I painted my nails with two coats of Wet n Wild megalast's Deadly Dose before the concert - another gold polish; I've been using golds more frequently than I usually do. After the concert I found a musical note stamp on the m22 plate that I put onto my middle finger with Sinful Color's Black on Black. The black faded a bit once I put on a top coat unfortunately.
I finished the mani off with a dosage of John Newman influence the next afternoon. I Googled his album Tribute and found this zoomed in picture of his album cover:
I saw it and thought, " Oh yeah, I can work with this!" I mixed a little black paint with red to make the maroon diamonds. I put enough layers to cover up the splotches, possibly four. With that dried, I grabbed that homemade striper brush of mine and white paint. I outlined the diamonds and then painted in a larger white diamond around that. I wanted space on my nails,so I only did that once instead of copying the album cover exactly. I connected the white diamond outlines with a quick line to create the effect that it continues on past the nail itself.
A top coat to seal the paint in and voila!
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