Monday, April 6, 2015


Last Tuesday, I was able to go to George Ezra's sold out concert at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis with my sissy. We got there around 5:30 to join the short line that had already formed. We ate Subway while we waited to the doors to open at 7; while waiting a car full of college guys drove by THREE times. Round one and two resulted in cups full of water being thrown near the line - they didn't have enough power behind their tosses, cute. For the third trip round, my sister stood in shock as she watched a guy lean out of the same car with a water gun - luckily they had horrible aim.

Under 21's got "VT" written on their hands.

The Ruen Brothers from London were the opening act for George; they're pretty good, but I personally wasn't going crazing over them. Sorry, my heart was set on Georgie!

A set shot. My sister and I were able to get into the second / third row behind tall people, it didn't help that there was a slight ramp that made them giants. Doesn't help that I'm barely 5'1".. 

George Freaking Ezra. I can never take clear concert pictures and it drives me nuts! But how gorgeous is he? Six feet of man right there! Someone brought out tea for him to drink which made him even more charming on top of his British accent. I took a bunch of videos, but I didn't realize how loud the amps were blaring, so most of them only give off loud static. 

He sang maybe half of his set on his own with his guitar: Barcelona, Leaving It Up to You, Blind Man in Amsterdam, and Benjamin Twine. There were probably more..

His encore ended with Did You Hear the Rain? and foam rained down from machines on the ceiling; it was awesome!

I had a blast, but by watching him, you can tell that he needs time to mature into preforming and interacting with the crowd. He was very much into the music. He would close his eyes and just sway to the music which was a great thing to see since it shows how much he loves his music. So much fun!

We bought a concert shirt and a CD. The reason I bought it was because it was pre-signed, yay!! 

After the concert, my sister and I waited outside the theater for our ride - there was zero chance I was going to drive downtown. No thank you! We noticed a large group being lead by security guards back into the theater, so we quickly entered behind the last people to meet George!!

We got to hug him and get our picture taken!! I had our tickets out to get them signed, but my mind completely emptied of all intelligence and common sense. CRAZY, RIGHT?!? I wish I could have bought him! Only joking.. 

Such a fun and cool experience! I'm so grateful to have had this (relatively cheap) opportunity since he's gaining fame fast. 

He's so adorable, eek!


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